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济生肾气丸 nephritis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-01 15:38:58




1.Effect of Jishengshenqiwan on the experimentalnephritis in rats;济生肾气丸治疗大鼠实验性肾炎的试验研究


1.Effect of Jishengshenqi Decoctions Instead of Pills on Kidney-yang Deficiency Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia济生肾气丸加味治疗肾阳亏虚型良性前列腺增生症的疗效观察

parative Study on the Effects of Wuziyanzong Pills and Jinkuishenqi Pills on Spermatogenesis Function五子衍宗丸和金匮肾气丸对动物生精功能影响的比较研究

3.Research on the Difference of Renal Function Recovery between Shen Qi Bolos and You Gui Bolos on the Rat Renal Injury Experimental肾气丸与右归丸对肾虚大鼠肾功能损伤恢复的实验研究

4.Research on Effects of Shen Qi Bolus on the Reproductive Function of the Male Rat with Kidney-yang Deficiency Caused by "Fatigue and Sexual Strain";金匮肾气丸对“劳倦过度、房事不节”肾阳虚小鼠生殖机能影响的实验研究


6.Experimental Study on the Affect of Semen Quality of Renal Deficiency Rats by the Treatment of Jin Gui Shen Qi Pill and You Gui Pill肾气丸、右归丸对肾虚大鼠精液质量影响的实验研究

7.Gene chip study on cerebral gene of effect of Jinkui Shenqiwan and Youguiwan on mouse model of kidney-yang asthenia with syndrome disproved accroding to therapeutic efficacy of drugs used金匮肾气丸、右归丸对肾阳虚小鼠模型以药反证的脑基因芯片研究

8.Effect of shenqi wan on sport ability of long-distance athletes;肾气丸对长跑运动员运动能力的影响

9.Shenqi Pill Treatment of Spleen&Kidney Yang-deficiency Type of Experimental Study of Peptic Ulcer肾气丸治疗脾肾阳虚型消化性溃疡的实验研究

10.Intervention effect of Jinkuishenqiwan on the kidney-yang deficiency in rats金匮肾气丸对大鼠肾阳虚症的干预研究

11.Theoretical Study on the Life Gate Theory and Clinical Research on the Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan syndrome;命门学说探讨与金匮肾气丸证临床研究

12.The Study of Pharmacodynamic Mechanism and Material Foundation of Compatibility about Shenqi Pill "Reinforcing Yang from Yin";肾气丸“阴中求阳”配伍机理及物质基础研究

13.Research on Effects of Traditional Chinese Drug, Kidney-qi Pillon physical Performance of Swimmers;中药“肾气丸”对游泳运动员运动能力影响的研究

14.Studies on Pharmacodynamic Mechanism and Chemical Compositions of Shenqi Pill"s "Reinforcing Yang from Yin" Compatibility肾气丸“阴中求阳”药效机理及化学成分的研究

15.Experimental Research on Treating MsPGN with Shenningshuiwan;肾宁水丸对大鼠系膜增生性肾小球肾炎的实验研究

16.Histopathological Study on the Protecting Effect of Golden Chamber Pill for Reinforcing Kidney Qi on Injuries of Kidney and Ear by Gentamicin金匮肾气丸对庆大霉素肾和耳损害保护作用组织病理学研究

17.Animal Experiment Studies on Jingui Shenqi Bolus Plus Rhubarb Soup Treat Chronic Renal Failure;金匮肾气丸加大黄方治疗慢性肾功能衰竭的动物实验研究

18.Research on the Mouse Model with Kidney Yang Deficiency and Effects of Shen Qi Bolus on It;“房事不节、劳倦过度”肾阳虚动物模型及肾气丸对其影响的研究


Shenqi Pill肾气丸

1.Influence of Compatibility ofShenqi Pill with"Reinforcing Yang from Yin" on the Content of Paeonol;肾气丸“阴中求阳”配伍对丹皮酚含量的影响

2.Influence of Compatibility ofShenqi Pill "Reinforcing Yang from Yin" on the Contents of DA,5-HT in Hypothalamus of Deficient Kidney-Yang Rats肾气丸“阴中求阳”配伍对肾阳虚大鼠下丘脑多巴胺及五羟色胺含量的影响

3.The syndromes treated respectively byShenqi Pill and Gualou Qumai Pill both have the clinical manifestations of thirsty and abnormality of urine.肾气丸与瓜蒌瞿麦丸所治之证均有口渴及小便异常的临床表现,但肾气丸证责之于肾气亏虚,瓜蒌瞿麦丸证责之于肾阳不足、气不化津;前方以阴中求阳、温补肾气取效,后方以温阳化气、生津止渴获功。

3)shenqi pills肾气丸

1.Improving effect of tamoxifen,Golden Theragpam and Shenqi Pills on the quality of semen它莫西芬配合金施尔康、肾气丸对精液质量的改善

2.Exploration on the Compatibility Mechanism of "Reinforcing Yang from Yin" from the Effect of Different Combinative Drugs with Shenqi Pills on HPA of Kidney-Yang Deficiency Model Rats;从拆方肾气丸对肾阳虚模型大鼠HPA轴的影响初探“阴中求阳”配伍机理

4)the Jishengshenqi Granules济生肾气颗粒剂

1.Determination of the contents of cinnamyl aldehyde and paeonol inthe Jishengshenqi Granules by HPLC;用高效液相色谱法测定济生肾气颗粒剂中丹皮酚、桂皮醛的含量

5)Jinkui Shenqi Pill金匮肾气丸

1.Gene Chip Study of Cerebral Genome of Effect ofJinkui Shenqi Pill in Mice Model with Kidney-yang Asthenia Induced by Excessive Physical and Sexual Activity;金匮肾气丸对劳倦过度 房室不节肾阳虚小鼠模型影响的脑基因芯片研究

2.Pharmacokinetics of effective constituent inJinkui Shenqi Pill;金匮肾气丸中有效成分的药代动力学研究

6)Jinkuishenqi pill金匮肾气丸

1.Determination of loganin and paeoniflorin inJinkuishenqi pill by HPLC;HPLC法测定金匮肾气丸中马钱苷、芍药苷的含量

2.Study on content determination of triterpene inJinkuishenqi pill;金匮肾气丸中三萜类成分的质量比测定研究


济生肾气丸【通用名称】济生肾气丸 【其他名称】济生肾气丸 济生肾气丸 拼音名:Jisheng Shenqi Wan 英文名: 书页号:2000年版一部-540 【处方】 熟地黄 160g 山茱萸 (制)80g 牡丹皮 60g 山药 80g 茯苓 120g 泽泻 60g 肉桂 20g 附子 (制)20g 牛膝 40g 车前子 40g 【制法】 以上十味,粉碎成细粉,过筛,混匀。每100g粉末用炼蜜35~50g 加适 量的水泛丸,干燥,制成水蜜丸;或加炼蜜90~110g制成小蜜丸或大蜜丸,即得。 【性状】 本品为棕褐色至黑褐色的水蜜丸、小蜜丸或大蜜丸;味酸而微甘、苦。 【鉴别】 (1) 取本品,置显微镜下观察:糊化淀粉粒团块类白色。不规则分枝状 团块无色,遇水合氯醛液溶化;菌丝无色或淡棕色,直径4~6μm 。薄壁组织灰棕色至 黑棕色,细胞多皱缩,内含棕色核状物。薄壁细胞类圆形,有椭圆形纹孔,集成纹孔群。 草酸钙砂晶存在于薄壁细胞中。草酸钙针晶束存在于黏液细胞中,长80~240μm,针晶 直径2~8μm 。果皮表皮细胞橙黄色,表面观类多角形,垂周壁略连珠状增厚。种皮下 皮细胞表面观狭长,壁稍波状,以数个细胞为一组,略作镶嵌状排列。石细胞类圆形或 类长方形,壁一面菲薄。木栓细胞淡红色至微紫色,壁稍厚。 (2) 取本品水蜜丸6g,研碎,或取小蜜丸或大蜜丸9g,剪碎。加乙醚50ml,加热回 热2小时,滤过,滤液挥去乙醚,残渣加乙醚1ml使溶解,作为供试品溶液。另取丹皮酚 对照品,加乙醚制成每1ml含1mg的溶液,作为对照品溶液。照薄层色谱法(附录Ⅵ B) 试验,吸取上述两种溶液各5μl,分别点于同一硅胶G薄层板上,以环己烷-醋酸乙酯( 3:1)为展开剂,展开,取出,晾干,喷以5%三氯化铁乙醇溶液。供试品色谱中,在与对 照品色谱相应的位置上,显相同颜色的斑点。 (3) 取熊果酸对照品,加乙醇制成每1ml含1mg的溶液,作为对照品溶液。照薄层色谱 法(附录Ⅵ B)试验,吸取对照品溶液2μl及[鉴别](2)项下的供试品溶液5μl,分别 点于同一以羧甲基纤维素钠为黏合剂的硅胶H薄层板上,以环己烷-氯仿-醋酸乙酯(20:5: 8)为展开剂,展开,取出,晾干,喷以10%硫酸乙醇溶液,在80℃加热至斑点显色清晰。 供试品色谱中,在与对照品色谱相应的位置上,显相同颜色的斑点。 【检查】 应符合丸剂项下有关的各项规定(附录Ⅰ A)。 【功能与主治】 温肾化气,利水消肿。用于肾虚水肿,腰膝酸重,小便不利,痰 饮喘咳。 【用法与用量】 口服,水蜜丸一次6g,小蜜丸一次9g,大蜜丸一次1 丸,一日 2 ~3 次。 【规格】 大蜜丸每丸重9g 【贮藏】 密封。

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