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造影剂肾病 Contrast nephropathy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-01 06:26:22


造影剂肾病,Contrast nephropathy

1)Contrast nephropathy造影剂肾病

1.Contrast nephropathy in elderly and its related clinical factors;老年人造影剂肾病及临床相关因素分析

2.Against lack of effective treatment for contrast nephropathy, there has been intense investigative interest in and several publications on measures aimed at preventing this common syndrome.造影剂肾病是医院获得性急性肾衰竭的常见原因。


1.Clinical Analysis of Contrast-Nonionic Induced Nephropathy非离子型造影剂所致造影剂肾病的临床分析

2.There was 5% of CMN in the cases who complicated with diabetes, 9.4%, in the cases who complicated with hypertension, 17.0%, in the cases who was receiving local chemotherapy for tumors.合并糖尿病者造影剂肾病发生率为5%; 合并高血压者造影剂肾病发生率为9.4%;

3.Purpose: To explore the risk factors of nonionic contrast medium to induce contrast media nephropathy, CMN.目的:探讨非离子型造影剂导致造影剂肾病的危险因素。

4.Analysis of the Related Clinical Risk Factors of Contrast Induced Nephropathy in the Elderly老年人造影剂肾病及临床相关因素分析

5.The related clinical factors and preventive measures of contrast nephropathy in elderly patients老年人造影剂肾病临床相关因素及预防措施

parative study on the effect of isotonic and hypotonic sodium chloride solution in prevention of CIN in patients undergoing cardio angioplasty等渗与低渗盐水防治造影剂肾病的效果比较

7.Studies on Mechanisms and Actions of Renal Vascular Endothelium Injury in Contrast Media-induced Nephropathy;肾血管内皮损伤在造影剂肾病发生中的作用及机制研究

8.Effect of N-acetylcysteine in Prevention of Contrast Induced Renal Injury in Elderly Patients with Coronary Heart DiseaseN-乙酰半胱氨酸对老年冠心病患者造影剂肾病的保护作用

9.Risk factors of contrast-induced nephropathy in patients undergoing coronary artery intervention冠状动脉介入诊疗术患者造影剂肾病的危险因素研究

10.Incidnce and risk factors of contrast-induced nephropathy in super-elderly patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention高龄老年人冠脉介入诊疗后造影剂肾病发生及相关因素分析

11.Prophylactic effect of infusion with sodium bicarbonate on preventing radiocontrast induced nephropathy碳酸氢钠静脉输注对造影剂肾病预防作用的研究

12.Relationship between hemoglobin and contrast-induced nephropathy after coronary angiography and percutaneous coronary intervention冠状动脉造影术和腔内成形术后造影剂肾病与血红蛋白水平的关系(英文)

13.Effect of Prevention of Contrast-induced Nephropathy Through Hydration Treatment in Different Age Group Patients After Percuta-neous Coronary Inervention不同年龄冠状动脉介入术后患者水化治疗预防造影剂肾病效果观察

14.The value of the intravenous pyelography with DR low-does contrast mediumDR小剂量造影剂静脉肾盂造影的应用

15.The Changes of Urinary β2-microglobin,N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase and Kidney Injury Molecule-1 in Patients with Contrast Agent-induced Nephropathy造影剂相关性肾病患者尿液β2-MG、NAG及KIM-1的变化

16.Effect of Iodixanol on renal functions of percutaneous coronary intervention-treated old patients with coronary artery heart disease and chronic renal insufficiency等渗造影剂碘克沙醇对老年冠状动脉性心脏病并慢性肾衰竭介入治疗肾功能的影响

17.Furthers study is needed of the role of low-osmolar contrast media in patients with severe renal impairment.有关低渗性造影剂对于有严重肾功能损害病人的影响作用尚须进一步研究。

18.Clinical Study on Deng s Guanxin Capsule for Treatment of Contrast Medium-induced Nephrotoxicity after Percutaneous Coronary Intervention of Diagnosis and Treatment of CAD Patients;益气活血化痰法对冠心病患者介入诊疗术后造影剂肾损害影响的研究


Contrast-induced nephropathy造影剂肾病

1.Advance in contrast-induced nephropathy among patients with diabetes mellitus糖尿病患者造影剂肾病的研究进展

2.It summarized the diagnosis,risk factors,clinical manifestation,prevention,and nursing of contrast-induced nephropathy.对造影剂肾病的诊断、危险因素、临床表现、预防及护理进行综述。

3)Contrast Induced Nephropathy造影剂肾病

1.Objective To investigate the influence of iopamidol on renal function during coronary interventional therapy and the risk factors of leading to contrast induced nephropathy(CIN),as well as its preventing methods.目的探讨碘帕醇冠脉造影对肾功能的影响和引起造影剂肾病(CIN)的危险因素及其防治方法。

4)Radiocontrast-induced nephropathy造影剂肾病

1.Clinical evaluation of Lipo-PGE_1 on prophylaxis of radiocontrast-induced nephropathy in elder patients;前列地尔脂微球载体注射液预防老年人造影剂肾病的临床观察


6)contrast agents-induced nephropathy造影剂相关性肾病



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