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心肾阳虚 heart and kidney Yang deficiency英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-20 11:54:51


Heart and kidney yang deficiency is a condition in traditional Chinese medicine characterized by the imbalance of the heart and kidney energies, leading to a range of symptoms such as fatigue, low libido, palpitations, and cold extremities. In order to address this condition, it is important to nourish the heart and kidney energies through proper diet, lifestyle, and herbal medicine. This collection of English short sentences and example sentences aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of heart and kidney yang deficiency, offering valuable insights into its symptoms and management. Whether you are a TCM practitioner, student, or someone interested in learning more about this health issue, this compilation serves as a helpful resource to deepen your knowledge and better address the needs of individuals suffering from heart and kidney yang deficiency.

肾阳虚,heart and kidney Yang deficiency

1)heart and kidney Yang deficiency心肾阳虚

1.A clinical experimental study on the effect of manshuailing oral liquid in treating patients of typeheart and kidney Yang deficiency heart failure caused by ischemic heart disease[Abstract] Objective To investigate the therapeutic effect and mechanism of manshuailing oral liquid in treating patients of typeheart and kidney Yang deficiency heart failure caused by ischemic heart disease.目的:探讨慢衰灵口服液对心肾阳虚型缺血性慢性心力衰竭(CHF)患者的临床作用和机理。

2.Specialty:Cardiology of Traditional Chinese MedicineAuthor:Wei QiuniTutor:Professor Li SongObjective:To compare the efficacy and safety of shenfu injection on chronic heart failure of Type Heart and Kidney Yang Deficiency.研究目的以无创血流动力学方法比较参附注射液与常规西医抗心衰治疗心肾阳虚型慢性心力衰竭(chronic heart failure,CHF)患者的疗效和安全性。


1.Clinic Study on the Treatment of Chronic Heart Failure of TCM Term Heart and Kidney-Yang Deficiency with Suixin Capsule燧心胶囊治疗慢性心衰心肾阳虚证的临床研究

2.A Clinical Experimental Study on the Effect and Mechanism of Manshuailing Oral Liquid in Treating Patients of Type Heart and Kidney Yang Deficiency Heart Failure Caused by Ischemic Heart Disease;慢衰灵口服液治疗心肾阳虚型缺血性慢性心力衰竭的临床实验研究

3.Noninvasive Hemodynamic Effects of Shenfu Injection on Patients with Chronic Heart Failure of Type Heart and Kidney Yang Deficiency参附注射液对心肾阳虚型慢性心力衰竭患者无创血流动力学影响的研究

4.deficiency of kidney-yang 18, account for 32.1 percentage;肾阳虚型为18例,占32.1%;

5.The Study of Connections between the Chronic Congestive Heart Failure with Deficiency of Kidney-yang Syndrome and the Neuroendocrine-Cellular Factor;肾阳虚型心力衰竭与神经内分泌—细胞因子关系的研究

6.Effect of sports tonics in improving diastolic function of left ventricle diastole in kidney-yang deficiency model运动补剂对肾阳虚模型左心室舒张功能影响的研究

心肾阳虚 heart and kidney Yang deficiency英语短句 例句大全

7.Influence of White Prepared Lateral Root of Aconite on Cardiac Enzymes in Normal and Kidney-Yang Insufficiency Rats基于证候理论观察白附片对正常和肾阳虚证大鼠心肌酶的影响

8.The Comparative Study on Gene Expression of Kidney-YIN Deficiency and Kidney-YANG Deficiency肾阴虚证和肾阳虚证基因表达谱的比较研究

9.The effects of acteoside on nourishing kidney and strengthening Yang in Yang deficient mice类叶升麻苷对肾阳虚小鼠补肾壮阳作用的研究

10.The Effect on IL-2 and sIL-2R of the Pi Shen Yang Xu Xing of Primary Nephrotic Syndrome in Children by the Shenkangling;肾康灵对脾肾阳虚型肾综患儿IL-2、sIL-2R的影响

11.Contra-indication for damp heat or heat caused by yin deficiency. Use caution in patients with difficulty in urination but usually shenyangxu patients have tendency to develop enlargement of prostate.湿热或阴虚有热忌用。小便困难者小心应用。但肾阳虚者常常引起前列腺增大﹐以至小便困难。

12.Effect of Tongxintie on Inflammatory Response of Coronary Artery Disease in Syndrome of Kidney-Yang Deficiency complicated with Stagnation of Phlegm and Blood Stasis通心贴抑制冠心病肾阳亏虚兼痰瘀内阻证患者冠状动脉炎症反应的临床研究

13.Shenqi Pill Treatment of Spleen&Kidney Yang-deficiency Type of Experimental Study of Peptic Ulcer肾气丸治疗脾肾阳虚型消化性溃疡的实验研究

14.Intervention effect of Jinkuishenqiwan on the kidney-yang deficiency in rats金匮肾气丸对大鼠肾阳虚症的干预研究

15.Impacts of the formula of suoquanwan (SQW) on expression of AVPR-V2 in the kidney of rat polyuria model of yang-deficiency缩泉丸对肾阳虚多尿大鼠肾脏AVPR-V2表达的影响

16.Research of Decrepitude Rat Model with Deficiency of Kidney-yang Syndrome;自然衰老SD大鼠肾阳虚模型的研究

17.Clinical Study of 30 Patients with Sterility of Kidney-yang Asthenia in TCM;中医治疗肾阳虚不孕症30例临床研究

18.Study on the Differentially Expressed Genes of Aged Kidney-Yang Deficiency Syndrome老龄肾阳虚证的差异表达基因谱分析


Deficiency of heart-yang and kidney-yang心肾阳虚型

3)Yang deficiency of heart and kidney心肾阳虚证

1.ObjectiveYang deficiency of heart and kidney is a high incidence syndrome in clinical practice of TCM.目的心肾阳虚证是中医临床上一种常见的病证 ,本实验研究欲建立与临床相应的大鼠心肾阳虚证动物模型。

4)deficiency of yang of heart and Kidney,blood stasis due to deficiency of Qi心肾阳虚、气虚血瘀

5)deficiency of kidney-yang肾阳虚

1.Observation on immune function of mouse models of deficiency of kidney-Yang induced by overfatigue and sexual overstrain;“劳倦过度、房室不节”肾阳虚模型小鼠免疫功能的观察

2.Effect of Astragalus Polysaccharides on Expression of NF-kappa B and TGF-beta1 in the Renal Tissue of Diabetic Rats with the Deficiency of Kidney-Yang;黄芪多糖对肾阳虚型糖尿病大鼠肾组织NF-κB、TGF-β_1的影响

3.Influence of Yulin recipe on ovulation function of rats with deficiency of kidney-Yang;育麟方对肾阳虚大鼠排卵功能的影响

6)kidney-yang asthenia肾阳虚

1.Gene chip study on cerebral gene of effect of Jinkui Shenqiwan and Youguiwan on mouse model ofkidney-yang asthenia with syndrome disproved accroding to therapeutic efficacy of drugs used金匮肾气丸、右归丸对肾阳虚小鼠模型以药反证的脑基因芯片研究

2.Ojbective:To inquire into the cerebral gene change of effect of Jinkuishenqiwan for animal model ofkidney-yang asthenia caused by overworked and sexual intercourse uncontrolled,which may study the effect mechanism of the medicine.目的:本研究旨在应用基因芯片探讨金匮肾气丸对"劳倦过度、房室不节"肾阳虚小鼠模型脑基因改变,以期从基因水平上研究其药物作用机理。

3.Objective:In order to explore the mechanism of thekidney-yang asthenia constitution(KYAC),we used genechip technique to screen and analyze the differential genetic expression of leukocytes in peripheral blood in the teenagers with KYAC.目的:利用基因芯片技术筛选、分析青少年肾阳虚体质者外周血白细胞的差异表达基因,从基因水平初步探究青少年肾阳虚体质的机理。


脾肾阳虚pi-shen yangxu脾肾阳虚Deficiency of Yang of Both Spleen and Kidney 脾肾两脏阳气亏虚,临床以腰膝小腹冷痛,久泻不止为主要表现的证。 常见于虚劳、泄泻、 痢疾、水肿、鼓胀、肾风,以及西医的慢性肠胃炎、慢性肾炎、慢性肾功能衰竭等疾病。肾为先天之本,肾阳是一身阳气之根本,脾脏依靠肾阳的温煦才能正常运化水谷精微,运化水湿。脾为后天之本,脾运化水谷精微以充养全身,肾所藏之精虽禀受于先天,然须不断继养于后天。肾主水液,也须和脾主运化水湿的功能相配合,才能维持体内津液代谢的平衡,因此,脾肾两脏相互依赖,以保证运化水谷精微和水液代谢功能的正常进行。若因脾肾久病,耗气伤阳,以致肾阳虚衰不能温养脾阳,或脾阳久虚不能充养肾阳,最终导致脾肾阳气俱虚。脾肾阳虚证的病因较为复杂,如年老体弱,劳倦内伤,久病不愈等均可引起本证。根据病情发展变化的不同情况,有由脾及肾与由肾及脾之分。由脾及肾者,多为脾胃本弱,或为饮食外伤,或忧思伤脾,或寒湿困脾,或因泄泻、痢疾、水肿等病久迁延不愈致脾阳虚衰。脾虚则运化无力,不能化生精微以充肾,或水湿内停,影响肾阳蒸化水液的功能,日久导致肾阳不足,最终而成脾肾阳虚证。至于由肾及脾者,或因先天禀赋不足,肾阳素亏,或后天调养失慎,房劳伤肾,或久病耗伤肾阳,肾阳先虚,则脾阳失于温煦;或肾水泛滥,使脾阳受伤,日久形成脾肾阳虚。总之,无论脾阳虚衰,或肾阳不足,在一定条件下,均可发展成为脾肾阳虚证。脾肾阳虚证的主要临床表现包括三个方面:①阳虚寒盛,气机凝滞,而见面色白,畏寒肢冷,腰膝酸软,腹中冷痛。②水谷失运而见腹部胀,久泻久痢,甚或五更泄泻,下利清谷。③水湿泛滥,而见小便不利,面浮肢肿,甚则腹胀如鼓;或见小便频数,余沥不尽,或夜尿频仍。舌质淡胖而有齿痕,苔白滑,脉沉迟细弱,也为阳气亏虚之象。脾肾阳虚证的治疗,根据由脾及肾,或由肾及脾,病在脾肾侧重不一,治疗也有所区别,但总以温补脾肾为基本原则。附子理中汤、济生肾气丸、右归丸、脾肾双补丸、真人养脏汤等方剂可随证选用。陆云飞

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